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The Stony Brook PTO would like to welcome your family to the 2024-2025 school year! The PTO is open to all families at Stony Brook. It is a wonderful way to participate in your child’s school events as well as to meet other families, students, and staff at the school.  

We are a group of fun and caring parents that are always looking for new people and ideas to help our school and community to grow! All of our families are busy, but please know that all contributions (small or big), volunteering at an event (or helping behind the scenes) can make a huge difference at Stony Brook. The PTO directly benefits our students by providing:

  • Field trips
  • Popsicles on the Playground
  • ROAR Fest
  • Memory Books
  • Classroom activities and parties

and many other activities throughout the school year!

If you would like to join us by helping with PTO committees, please email PTO President Brittany Strine ( is not a commitment; it is simply to let us know you are interested.  Just remember you must have your clearances to volunteer in the school.

2024/2025 School Year PTO Meetings

Stony Brook PTO Meetings are held from 6:30-7:30 PM at Stonybrook Elementary on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 9/10
  • Tuesday 10/8
  • Tuesday 11/12
  • Tuesday 1/14
  • Tuesday 2/11
  • Tuesday 3/11
  • Tuesday 4/8
  • Tuesday 5/13

Get Involved


Stony Brook PTO

Brittany Strine

Christina Outrakis

Lauren Fagelman

Stony Brook PTO By Laws