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Grade 6 Social Studies Overview

Course Description

This course focuses on the personal and civic rights and responsibilities of citizens within the community, nation and world. It also explores the branches of our democratic government and how our core values shape and influence the culture of our nature. This leads to the understanding of the elements of culture and how they shape societies around the world.

Course Big Ideas

  • In a free enterprise system, citizens, government, workers, and consumers in the community play specific roles, rights and responsibilities.
  • Money management skills are obtained through practical knowledge of economic concepts and banking practices.
  • Career readiness and soft skills are necessary for successful participation in the world of work.
  • National artifacts, documents and the media impact the culture of the United States.
  • The core democratic values are represented through the three branches of government and work together to shape the culture of the United States. 
  • Culture is shaped by the elements of religion, history, language, social groups, government, daily life, art, and economy.
  • Many resources are limited and distributed unevenly, so countries must trade for goods.  
  • Modern technology has helped to bring the world’s diverse peoples closer together.

Course Competencies

  • Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a community economy.
  • Demonstrate the circular flow in an economy within a free enterprise system.
  • Define what taxes are and what they pay for.
  • Examine the services provided by different financial institutions and how to manage personal finances.
  • Identify personal interests and skills, their relation to future career planning, and demonstrate the steps required for career readiness.
  • Identify the business expenses, and preparation required to run a business.
  • Analyze specific US artifacts and documents for the core democratic values and how they shape our culture.
  • Identify and discuss media bias and how it influences our nation and culture.
  • Explain how the branches of our democratic government, core democratic values, and national documents/artifacts impact, shape, and influence our culture.
  • Explain the elements of culture and how they have influenced cultural regions around the world. 
  • Demonstrate how interdependence on others, location and geography affect cultural regions.

Course Essential Questions

  • What does it take to be a positive contributor to a community/society?
  • How do the branches of our democratic government, core democratic values, and national documents/artifacts impact, shape, and influence our culture?
  • What helps to shape the culture of other societies in our world?

Course Assessments

  • Junior Achievement Unit post-assessments
  • Junior Achievement Citizen Guide worksheets
  • Text Dependent Analysis Questions
  • Mock Trial Performance
  • Discussion Posts
  • Culture project - visual presentation
  • Culture project - oral presentation